Penerapan Buerger Allen Exercise Terhadap Nilai Sensitivitas Kaki Pada Klien Dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

Penerapan Buerger Allen Exercise Terhadap Nilai Sensitivitas Kaki Pada Klien Dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2


  • Asih Minarningtyas Naning Universitas Bani saleh
  • Muftadi Muftadi Fakultas Kesehatan dan Farmasi Universitas Bani Saleh


Diabetes melitus tipe 2, buerger allen exercise, sensitivitas kaki


Background : Interventions that can be done to accelerate vascularization
and increase sensitivity of foot on diabetes melitus patient is doing the
buerger allen exercise. Buerger allen exercise is a form of active
movement in the plantar area by applying a gradual gravitational.
Monofilament test is a tool that used to assess the sensitivity of foot.
Purpose: this case study aims to know the real picture of Buerger allen
exercise on the value of foot sensitivity with the nursing process approach.
Methodology: The design that we used is a case study by using analytical
descriptive method through data collection techniques such as observation
and documentation. Result: The Implementation showed that before and
after doing the buerger allen exercise for 6 days, there is an increase on
foot sensitivity to clients who suffer type 2 of diabetes melitus.
Recommendation: For patients with type 2 diabetes melitus, can do
buerger allen exercise independently to increase the sensitivity value of
the foot.




How to Cite

Naning, A. M., & Muftadi, M. (2024). Penerapan Buerger Allen Exercise Terhadap Nilai Sensitivitas Kaki Pada Klien Dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2: Penerapan Buerger Allen Exercise Terhadap Nilai Sensitivitas Kaki Pada Klien Dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2. Bani Saleh Nursing Journal, 1(01), 12-16. Retrieved from